
Hemcheck´s Newsletter - March 2020

Welcome to the March newsletter from Hemcheck

We at Hemcheck are continuing to work on multiple fronts, with focus on our efforts to commercialise our concept in the relevant markets. We do so continuously in on our core markets and segments and also e.g. in collaboration with Siemens. There is progress and continued customer interest, however we experience some delays caused by the current SARS-CoV-2 outbreak.

In this newsletter you can read more about a recent Q&A held, the current impact of SARS-CoV-2 on Hemcheck, an update on the production scale up and upcoming events.

Enjoy the reading!
Joen Averstad, CEO

Facebook live Q&A

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On March 10th Hemcheck performed a Facebook live chat Q&A for stakeholders interested in the development of the company. Joen Averstad, CEO, answered a lot of questions that were sent in by the participants, both beforehand as well as live.

The questions and answers can be found on https://www.facebook.com/events/485973968948845/?active_tab=discussion.

– I hope the event was appreciated and look forward to the next, which is not set yet but a date and time will be announced later on, given continued interest from stakeholders in this type of event, says Joen Averstad, CEO.


We get many questions about what the effect is on Hemcheck given the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, and on a general level it has not impacted the interest in our products in either direction. What we have seen up until now is that several events and fairs as well as customer meetings and discussions have been cancelled or postponed. Also some planned trials at potential customers have been postponed due to the current situation. We continue to monitor the development.
At Hemcheck we are following the recommendations from the authorities and have worked from home whenever that has been possible, during the last weeks.

Production scale up

We are scaling up production capacity of our one time tests, as earlier communicated. The work is ongoing together with our supplier SHL in Taiwan and runs according to plan.

During the coming quarter we will start ramping up the new and more automated production of our one-time tests, which increases capacity and efficiency. Several steps that has earlier been performed by manual labor will now be performed by dedicated machines, and we will have new molds in place for our plastic part production.

Calendar of upcoming events

April 16, Annual report
May 7, Interim report Q1
May 14, Annual general meeting

Contact us
Hemcheck Sweden AB
Karlstads universitet
Universitetsgatan 2
651 88 Karlstad